Gaia is a Terraform UI for your Terraform modules, and self-service infrastructure.
Gaia is a web application to import and run your Terraform modules and provide self-service infrastructure for your users.
Import your modules from source repositories (Github or Gitlab).
validation of Terraform variables values (mandatory variables, regex-based validation).
Gaia saves the state of your modules.
Be notified when your code or when your infrastructure changes.
Here is a simple Gaia process.
We got you coverd, check those faq if its not there just ask us.
Yes. We love open-source, so the Gaia free-features are available on Github. Paid features are not.
You can download the latest version directly on Github.
The cloud version is always up-to-date.
Documentation is available directly in the app !
Gaia is made with in
by Cyril Dubuisson and Julien Wittouck
FullStack Developer
FullStack Developer
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